Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Brief Introduction

I am a student, learning to program. I am a dork, a geek, a nerd. Call me what you will. I tinker with computers and graphic design.

I play old video games; I read old books; I listen to old music.

I am a bit behind the times; I play text adventure games (Or Interactive Fiction, as they are sometimes called); I just got an Atari and 40 or so games.

I collect old and obscure technology, hardware and software, trying to get a feel for where we have come from. At the same time, I try to stay near the front of the pack, keeping an eye on where we are going.

In my field of vision at the moment there are:

5 computers
  1. The White Dell Inspiron 1420 I am typing this on (Tri-booting Ubuntu Linux, Slackware 12 and Vista, with Apple wireless keyboard)
  2. A Black Asus EEE PC 701 (First Release, with 2GB RAM and 4GB SSD, running Debian)
  3. An HP 200LX (An early palmtop, circa 1994, running DOS 5.0 from ROM)
  4. A generic Desktop, kludged together from second-hand parts. (256 MB RAM, running Slackware 12 and FreeDOS.)
  5. An IBM Thinkpad 380 Z (64 MB RAM, no hard drive, Booting FreeDOS from a floppy. Programs run from a thumb drive by some manner of sorcery.)

There are at least 6 other computers in the house, but I don't feel like hunting them down.
4 typewriters
Black LC Smith and Corona Portable, Circa 1932.
Burgandy LC Smith and Corona Portable, Circa 1929.

Underwood Manual (1926)

Reminton Quite-riter (Mid-Fifties portable).
1 Record player,
Some late 80's model that I purloined from the junk heap, held together with duct tape and rubber bands.

~300 Records;
Some new, most old. Working to catalog them all.


    1. Good post.

      Nice to see where you're coming from.

    2. Maria's grandfather has a pretty plastic Remington manual at his antique mall for 45usd. I want it.


    Be nice.